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A list of data archived in the past six months (presented in the order archived) :

Date Status PI* Experiment Cruise Parameters Archive Link
2024-04-15 new Antonio Mannino Arctic_RSWQ Arctic_RSWQ_Norton_Sound ligin_phenol_compounds archive
2024-03-28 new Antonio Mannino ECOA ECOA-3 abs_ag,abs_ag_sd,ag archive
2024-03-27 update Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Northern_Bering_Sea_2022 abs_ag,abs_ag_sd,ag archive
2024-03-14 update Antonio Mannino EXPORTS EXPORTSNA es,rrs archive
2024-03-07 new Deric Gray EXPORTS EXPORTSNA vsf_*ang archive
2024-02-26 new Norman B_Nelson BBOP BATS405 wavelength,cdomf_ex archive
2024-02-26 update Antonio Mannino VIIRS_Validation VIIRS_2014_Foster roll_es,pitch_es,roll_ed,pitch_ed,es,ed,lu archive
2024-02-26 update Antonio Mannino VIIRS_Validation VIIRS_2015_Foster es,ed,lu,natf,roll_es,pitch_es,roll_ed,pitch_ed archive
2024-02-16 new Lee Karp-Boss EXPORTS EXPORTSNP PSD archive
2024-02-16 new Lee Karp-Boss EXPORTS EXPORTSNA PSD archive
2024-02-16 new Alyson Santoro Alyson Santoro EXPORTSNA r2r_event,sample,station,depth,date,time,lat,lon,sample_1id,sample_2id,sample_3id,sample_4id,sample_5id,rrna_gene,associated_files,associated_file_types archive
2024-02-09 new Amy Maas EXPORTS EXPORTSNA r2r_event,date,time,station_alt_id,depth_start,depth_end,lat,lon,depth,volfilt,abun_zoop_* archive
2024-02-09 new Norman B_Nelson BBOP BATS405 wavelength,ag,ag_se,abs_ag,abs_ag_sd,a*srfa,abs_nacl_30ppt,abs_nacl_40ppt,abs_blank_ag,abs_blank_ag_sd archive
2024-01-30 new Mark Brzezinski EXPORTS EXPORTSNA bsi archive
2024-01-29 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Alakanuk_2023 wavelength,rrs,rrs_sd,es,es_sd archive
2024-01-29 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Norton_Sound_2023 wavelength,rrs,rrs_sd,es,es_sd archive
2024-01-29 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Norton_Sound_2022 wavelength,rrs,rrs_sd,es,es_sd archive
2024-01-29 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Alakanuk_2022 wavelength,rrs,rrs_sd,es,es_sd archive
2024-01-26 new Norman B_Nelson EXPORTS EXPORTSNA date,time,pressure,depth,Wt,sal,oxygen_kg,oxygen_saturation,AOU_kg,sigma_theta,Chl_stimf,chl_npq,VSF,bbp,cp,EdPAR_scalar,NO3,VSF_volts,NO3_volts,bincount,quality,VSF700_124ang,bbp,cp archive
2024-01-26 new Norman B_Nelson OTZ_WHOI SG2105 date,time,pressure,depth,wt,sal,oxygen_kg,oxygen_saturation,aou_kg,sigma_theta,chl_stimf,chl_npq,vsf,bbp,cp,edpar_scalar,no3,vsf_volts,no3_volts,bincount,quality archive
2024-01-17 new Xiaodong Zhang EXPORTS EXPORTSNA PSD archive
2024-01-17 update Emmanuel Boss EXPORTS EXPORTSNA SlowDROP,ap,cp archive
2024-01-16 update Guillaume Bourdin Microbiome Tara_Microbiome ACS,bbp,ap,cp,vsf archive
2024-01-09 new Emmanuel Boss EXPORTS EXPORTSNA SlowDROP,ap,cp archive
2024-01-09 new Uta Passow EXPORTS EXPORTSNA msv,tep,poc,sinking_velocity,poc_id,bsi_id archive
2024-01-09 new Colleen Durkin EXPORTS EXPORTSNA particle_flux archive
2023-12-26 new Norman B_Nelson EXPORTS EXPORTSNA mocness archive
2023-12-26 new Craig Carlson EXPORTS EXPORTSNA DOC_composition,amino_acids archive
2023-12-21 new Uta Passow EXPORTS EXPORTSNP exp_id,sample,width_representation,length_representation,sinking_velocity_1id,sinking_velocity_2id,quality archive
2023-12-20 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Norton_Sound_2023 wavelength,abs_ap,abs_ap_sd,abs_ad,abs_ad_sd,abs_blank_ap,abs_blank_ap_sd,abs_blank_ad,abs_blank_ad_sd,ap,ad,aph archive
2023-12-01 new Antonio Mannino VIIRS_VALIDATION VIIRS_2022_sette abs,abs_ap,ap_ad,ad,ap,abs_ad archive
2023-12-01 new Antonio Mannino AMT AMT30 ap,agp,abs,ad archive
2023-11-15 new Greg Silsbe Missouri_Reservoirs_RSWQ MO_RSWQ_2023 wavelength,rrs,ed,lw archive
2023-11-09 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC Norton_Sound_2022 abs_ap,abs_ap_sd,abs_ad,abs_ad_sd,abs_blank_ap,abs_blank_ap_sd,abs_blank_ad,abs_blank_ad_sd,ap,ad,aph archive
2023-11-09 new Antonio Mannino ARCTICCC [Multiple cruises] HPLC archive
2023-11-09 new Mark Moore CUSTARD DY111-DY112 HPLC archive
2023-11-01 new Sean Foley ATCS ATCS_dataset machine_learning_model archive
2023-11-01 new Bradley Penta INTRO InTro2018 HPLC archive
2023-11-01 new Frank Muller-Karger SFMBON [Multiple cruises] ag,ad,chl archive
* For simplicity, only the Principal Investigator is listed.
** Select ARCHIVE to locate the data in the SeaBASS directory tree. Select MORE for additional information about the cruise(s).

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