SeaBASS Submission Checklist: Spectral Absorption and Attenuation Data (AC-S data) Use this checklist to ensure that your submission includes the following information within your data files, metadata headers, and external documents, or calibration files, as appropriate. Please also fill in and submit this checklist itself with brief answers (or yes/no/NA). Rename the checklist to be specific to your submission, e.g., checklist_acs_EXPERIMENT_mycruise.txt Experiment Name ___________________________________ Cruise Name ___________________________________ 1.) For all files, provide: a.) Device file used for data processing (*.dev). b.) Source of temperature & salinity dependencies (e.g., Sullivan et al 2006). c.) Reference temperature used (either from device file or arbitrary). d.) Pure Water offsets used, with description of method. e.) CTD data collected simultaneously. f.) Include the actual calibration data as part of your submission. 2.) If reporting agp and/or ap a.) Include scattering correction used, with description of method. b.) Provide an extra version of your files that have only been temperature, salinity, and pure water corrected. Preserve them as a tar bundle (the SeaBASS team can provide assistance) and refer to the file name using the metadata header associated archive (/associated_archives=EXPERIMENT_CRUISE_Ac-s_OnlyTScorrected.tgz). Associated files will be linked to your main file that should have the scatter-correct data. The header /associated_archives should be accompanied by the header /associated_archive_types=metadata 3.) If reporting binned data, include: a.) Number of observations per bin (e.g., include the field bincount) b.) Some measure of uncertainty (e.g., include fields for _sd or another metric) c.) Report the method of averaging the bins (e.g., type of mean, or median). 4.) If reporting filtered data, a.) Report the pore size of the filter.