CHECKLIST FOR SeaBASS SUBMISSION: Plankton and other particle data V20210310 Please fill out the Collection, Measurement, and Analysis methods sections. Answer below each number. When finished, rename this file to be specific for your data, e.g., "checklist_plankton&particle_MyCruiseName.txt" Experiment Name: _______ Cruise Name: _______ Bundled images submitted? ________ Assessed ID list(s) for automated and/or manual classification submitted and referenced in Ô/associated_filesÕ metadata headers? ________ ------------------------------- - SAMPLE COLLECTION METHODS - ------------------------------- 1. How were the water samples collected? (Niskin bottle, bucket etc.) 2. Standard depths of sample collection (surface, chl max etc.) 3. Was the sample prefiltered? If so, type of filter (e.g., nitex, pore size) 4. How was the sample introduced to the instrument (pipetted, drawn from a larger vessel, syringe-fed)? -------------------------------- - SAMPLE MEASUREMENT METHODS - -------------------------------- 1) List the instrument make, model and accessories (if applicable): 2) List instrument calibration and maintenance performed (including date): 3) Measurement mode (autoimage, trigger fluorescence only, trigger including scatter): 4) Objective (magnification): 5) Flow cell type (catalog number, size/depth): 6) Sampling Flow rate: 7) Image collection speed (Hz, fps): 8) Method of focus (e.g., Culture, beads): 9) Size range of particles imaged: --------------------------- - DATA ANALYSIS METHODS - --------------------------- 1) Classifier used (including date of most recent update): 2) Taxonomic authority used: 3) Were all ROIs annotated? 4) Are Lists of all Life Science Identifiers assessed for ÔautomatedÕ and for ÔmanualÕ included in your submission?