Experiment: | NAAMES |
PIs*: | Behrenfeld, Mike | Bidle, Kay | Boss, Emmanuel | Carlson, Craig | Gaube, Peter | Giovannoni, Stephen | Graff, Jason | Haentjens, Nils | Halsey, Kimberly | Karp-Boss, Lee | Kramer, Sasha | Menden-Deuer, Susanne | Nelson, Norman | Saltzman, Eric | Siegel, David | Westberry, Toby |
Start Time: | 2015-11-04 11:20:22 |
End Time: | 2018-04-12 19:51:44 |
North: | 56.414 |
South: | 18.897 |
East: | -32.840 |
West: | -70.908 |
Data Types: | bottle, cast, flow_thru, pigment, above_water, scan, community_amplicons, experimental |
Parameters: | a*ph a*srfa abs abs_ad abs_ad_sd abs_ag abs_ag_sd abs_ap abs_ap_sd abs_nacl abun_zoop abundance ad ag ag_sd ag_se allo alpha-beta-car amc-leu ap ap_sd aph area_based_diameter area_cross_section associated_file_type associated_file_types associated_files associatedmedia bact_abun bact_abun_sd bactp bactp_sd bbp bbp_sd bin_diameter_center bin_diameter_lower bin_diameter_upper biovolume bottle but-fuco c2h3n_h c2h4o_h c2h6s_h c3h6o_h c5h8_h c6h6_h cdmf cdmf_sd cdomf cg cg_sd ch4o_h ch4s_h chl chl_c1c2 chl_c2 chl_c3 chl_experiment chl_experiment_200prefilt chl_lineheight chlide_a conc_particles cond cond_sd cp cp_gamma cp_sd cycle data_provider_category_automated data_provider_category_manual diadino diato dmsa dmsa_se dmssw dmssw_se dna doc doc_sd dp dv_chl_a dv_chl_b ed equivalent_spherical_diameter es f-initial f0 fl-a fl-h fm fsc-a fsc-h fscpar-h fscperp-h fuco fv_fm g gyro hex-fuco iso_c2h3n_h iso_c2h4o_h iso_c2h6s_h iso_c3h6o_h iso_ch4o_h length_representation lightlevel lu lut muf-but muf-glu muf-po4 mv_chl_a mv_chl_b n2avg nanoeukaryote_abun neo nh4 nh4_sd no2 no2_no3 no2_no3_sd no2_sd npp par pdrift perid phaeo phide_a photoacclimation_index phytin_a phyto_carbon picoeukaryote_abun po4 po4_sd poc poc_cp poc_sd ppc ppc_tcar ppc_tpg pras prochlorococcus_abun psc psc_tcar psd psd_dnsd psd_sd psp psp_tpg pulse_width relabundance rrna_gene sal sal_sd sdy sigma_psii sio4 sio4_sd species ssc-a ssc-h sst stimf synechococcus_abun tacc tacc_tchla taxa_1 taxa_2 tcar tchl tchl_tcar tchla_tpg tdn tdn_sd tdrift tot_chl_a tot_chl_b tot_chl_c tpg trans u u_ph viola vsf vsf_sd vsfg vsfg_sd vsfp vsfp_sd width_representation wt wt_sd z_mld z_xml zea |
Measurements made under the NAAMES (North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study) program.INTERNAL LINKS (Special datasets*)
*Special datasets are not in SeaBASS format, and are thus only accesible via these links (they do not appear in the file search or lists of metadata)
- Altimetry re-analyses (maps of diagnostics e.g., integration of altimetry & maps of masks of water origin)
- Ship Underway Data (systems include: IMU, SAMOS, and SSW)
- Aircraft data
- Satellite data
- See URL below for the primary NAAMES website
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