PIs*: Aurin, Dirk | El-Habashi, Ahmed | Foster, Robert | Gilerson, Alex | Goes, Joaquim | Mannino, Antonio | Maritorena, Stephane | Ondrusek, Michael | Seegers, Bridget
Start Time:Sep 5 2024 07:52PM
End Time:Sep 26 2024 09:25PM
Data Types: pigment, cast, flow_thru, bottle, above_water
Parameters: allo alpha-beta-car aot bottle but-fuco c c_sd chl_c1c2 chl_c3 chl_stimf chl_stimf_sd chlide_a cloud diadino diato dp dv_chl_a dv_chl_b ed epar es es_sd es_unc f-initial fm frame_number fuco fv_fm gyro hex-fuco hplc_gsfc kd lref lref_sd lsky lsky_sd lt lt_sd lu lu_unc lut mv_chl_a mv_chl_b nadir natf neo par perid phide_a phytin_a ppc ppc_tcar ppc_tpg pras psc psc_tcar psd psd_dvsd psd_dvsd_sd psd_sd psp psp_tpg pvel relaz rrs rrs_sd rrs_unc sdy sigma_psii sza tacc tacc_tchla tcar tchl tchl_tcar tchla_tpg tot_chl_a tot_chl_b tot_chl_c tpg viola wind wt zea
*Listed alphabetically




PACE-PAX SeaBASS DOI description: The Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem Postlaunch Airborne eXperiment (PACE-PAX) was a field campaign to support validation of the PACE mission through a combination of multiple platforms including aircraft (ER-2, CIRPAS Twin Otter), ships (R/V Shearwater, R/V Blissfully), autonomous ocean- and land-based instruments, and collaboration with the PACE Validation Science Teams (e.g.PVST-SBCR and PVST-CALCOFI) and PACE Vicarious Calibration systems (HyperNAV). The PACE-PAX mission took place during the month of September 2024 in Southern and Central California and nearby coastal regions. All PACE-PAX data are to be archived in 3 main data repositories: (1) NASA AIR-LARC for all aircraft data (until final data submission in March 2025 then migrated to the Langley Airborne DAAC), (2) AERONET-MAN for Microtops data, and (3) SeaBASS for all ocean optical, biogeochemical and phytoplankton data. The SeaBASS PACE-PAX DOI is split into 4 main cruises: PACE-PAX_Shearwater (cruise_id=RFDDMM-RS), PACE-PAX_Blissfully (cruise_id=RFDDMM-RB), PACE-PAX_SBCR (cruise_id=RFMMDD-SB), PACE-PAX_CALCOFI (cruise_id=RFMMDD-CL) where DDMM, represent the day and month collection date.

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