NASA's SeaBASS validation system obtains data from the AERONET Maritime Aerosol Network (AERONET-MAN) for use in satellite sensor validation match-up analyses. As described by Smirnov et al. (2009), AERONET MAN consists of aerosol optical depth (AOD or AOT) measurements from sun photometers mounted on ships. Please refer to the rest of the information in this article for details on how to acknowledge the use of AERONET-MAN data and how the OBPG processes these data.

Table of Contents

AERONET-MAN Data Usage Policy

SeaBASS has incorporated AERONET-MAN results into a special subset of validation results. Please note that in addition to the SeaBASS data access policies, users should abide by AERONET-MAN's data usage policy, which at the time of writing was:
The public domain data you are about to download are contributed by the Maritime Aerosol Network (MAN),
a component of the International AERONET Federation. Each cruise has Principal Investigators (PIs)
responsible for instrument deployment, maintenance and data collection. The PIs have priority use of the
data collected during the ship cruise. The PIs are entitled to be notified when using their cruise data.
PIs contact information are available on data charts and in downloaded data files for each cruise.

How to determine AERONET-MAN cruises from SeaBASS data files

A full list of AERONET-MAN's cruise names are summarized on the official site and the full list of specific cruise names corresponds to the downloaded individual data file names.
To organize the data within SeaBASS's relational database management system, SeaBASS added the prefix "aman_aod_" to each original cruise names. Remove that prefix to reconstruct the original MAN cruise name. For example, the following are equivalent:
Cruise name in SeaBASS:
Cruise name from original AERONET-MAN files:

What version of AERONET-MAN data were used in SeaBASS validation?

 AERONET-MAN quality level 2.0 (i.e., the highest available) AOD data were used to construct SeaBASS validation results, using all data available when last downloaded from the AERONET-MAN website 2017-05-30

Validation Data Processing Description

The SeaBASS satellite validation process is based on Bailey and Werdell (2006).
The in situ data products used for AERONET-MAN validation were AOT(lambda) and angstrom:


Bailey, S.W. and Werdell, P.J. (2006). A multi-sensor approach for the on-orbit validation of ocean color satellite data products. Rem. Sens. Environ. 102, 12-23.
Smirnov, A., B. N. Holben, I. Slutsker, D. M. Giles, C. R. McClain, T. F. Eck, S. M. Sakerin, A. Macke, P. Croot, G. Zibordi, P. K. Quinn, J. Sciare, S. Kinne, M. Harvey, T. J. Smyth, S. Piketh, T. Zielinski, A. Proshutinsky, J. I. Goes, N. B. Nelson, P. Larouche, V. F. Radionov, P. Goloub, K. Krishna Moorthy, R. Matarrese, E. J. Robertson, and F. Jourdin (2009), Maritime Aerosol Network as a component of Aerosol Robotic Network, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D06204, doi:10.1029/2008JD011257.
Last edited by Chris Proctor on 2021-10-01
Created by Chris Proctor on 2021-10-01